Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wild Rose Herbal Detox Review- Detox Cleanse for Women to Lose Weight

The Wild Rose herbal detox program was developed by Dr. Terry Willard, PhD. The plans are different and are based on the needs of the individuals who may be interested in using them. For example, some persons may want to support the health of their liver, while others are focused on losing weight.

There are many different methods that people use for detoxifying their bodies. Some choose to drink lots of water and I personally think this helps. Water helps to flush the kidneys and that improves our overall health. Chiropractic detoxification is said to have been beneficial to some individuals. Persons also choose to eat certain foods that are supposed to help in removing toxins from the body’s cells.

In the homeopathic Wild Rose program, all the detoxification plans are focused around essential nutrients. For example, the Candida cleanse or Cand-Aid routine uses beta-carotene, Echinacea and zinc, in addition to friendly bacteria, to combat yeast overgrowth. The Garden of Life 12 Day has helped some women and men lose 6-7 pounds over 12 days.

When you are on their cleansing routines you have to maintain a strict diet. For example, if you are on the Garden of Life 12 Day Detox, you can’t have any form of added sugar. You have to also forego caffeine from all sources. If you are trying to lose weight or kick a sugar habit, this may help you achieve your goals if you are consistent with it. The company has been around for 25 years and has helped people maintain a healthy lifestyle and break unhealthy habits.

Disclaimer: I did not receive sponsorship or payment for writing this review. This article is based on my opinion.

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